www.bungyjump.cz - bungee jumping, stunts and parties. All about Bungee Jumping, Bungee, Bungy, Bungee history. Bungee Jumping from the highest bridge in Czech from 62 m above the river Hačka near the Chomutov - Horní Ves, 90 km from Prague.


Bungee Jumping 62 m
from bridge, Chomutov
Highest bridge Bungee in Czech
Swing Jump 62 m
Type of jumps
Dates of jumps
How to get to our bridge
How to order voucher
Price of Jumps
History of bungee (CZ)
History of swing jump (CZ)
Bungee Jumping
TV Tower, Harrachov
Freestyl Bungee Jumping
Jump Menu
Dates of jumps
How to get to TV Tower
How to order voucher
Bungee Jumping
from crane up to 110 m
Dates of jumps
Plzeň 50 m
Praha 50 m & 80 m
Brno 50 m, 80 m & 110 m
Ostrava 50 m
Olomouc 50 m
Turn-key operation
In the air
On Land
History of our company
Bungee Stunts
TV Tower (CZ)
Bridge jumping
Business partners
Contact us by e-mail
@ 2007 Graphic & design:
Jiří Stolín, Xtreme Sports
> History of our company
Jiří Stolín, motto: "Those who risk something can lose something, but those who do not risk have nothing to gain, I often risked my life, whether as a hockey goalie, an extreme sportsman, a stuntman or a businessman. he has learned a lot and now I offer my experiences to other people in the field of extreme sports."

Jiří Stolín, Xtreme Sports as a team: "Most of our customers praise the professionalism of our services, some customers criticize our unfortunate approach to our person, but this is because we rank first the safety of our extreme sports and the availability of experience for as many customers as possible Our main goal is a satisfied client who provides high quality and comprehensive services In order to find solutions to your requirements, we have a qualified team of experts who will ensure you obtain favorable prices for meeting the highest quality and security requirements of the services provided, We are constantly improving our services for our customers. "

We are doing the show-jumping and stunt-jumping for the presentation of your company, your product, dangerous sequence in the movies or clips. We prepare the plane of action, plan of show-jumping on the base of your enquiry. The show-jumping and stunt-jumping we are doing from the buildings, bridges, towers, cranes and transmitters. We produced with PRIMA TV (Vyvolení 2, Bar), TV Nova (Snídaně s Novou - Adrenalinové léto (VIDEO1, VIDEO2, VIDEO3), Big Brother), with Czech TV (www.eXtravýzva.cz) and Cineart TV Prague (film Pusinky).

age: 47 years

Owner, Technical supervisor, Stunt co-ordinator

Experience: 26 years
First jump: 1995
Speaks: English
He jumped from: TV Tower in Prague
Passionate for: stunt-jumps, SNB, B.A.S.E.
He is written in the book of celebrity: Who is Who
Member of Czech Mountaineering Association in an UIAA member, snowboard teacher, member of Mensa Czech Republic
(IQ 143 by Stanford-Binet scale - European)

age: 25 years

Jump Master

Experience: 8 Years
First jump: 2015
Speaks: English
Interest: Bungy, SNB

age: 45 years

Jump Master

Experience: 19 years
First jump: 2005
Speaks: English
Passionate for: bungee jumping, skiing, tourism

age: 30 years

Jump Master, Administrator

Experience: 6 years
First jump: 2017
Speaks: English
Passionate for: bungee jumping, swing, beach volleyball
